All you need to know about Bodyguards for Hire

The number of violent acts seems to escalate rather than downsize which makes bodyguards for hire a proactive option. You’re making a big mistake in thinking that the world today is a safe place to be.

The timely solution celebrities, wealthy people, and dignitaries have found for protecting life and property is hiring bodyguards. Bodyguards for hire, also known as close protection operatives or executive protection were created since people started to become famous and wealthy.

If your situation right now needs extra protection, getting the best bodyguards for hire needs the following steps, to include:



If you are planning to go to a new place, knowing the country’s economic stability is important. Hiring a bodyguard is the best solution for countering the potential risk and threat of a new place.


Physical structures and facilities

Going to a new place means being unfamiliar with the layout of the physical structures, routes, and facilities. Hotels will not be able to provide the protection you need. A bodyguard is the best person to have on your side for first-time visits to new places and countries.

The country you’re going to is the determinant for hiring the number of bodyguards. One agent will work fine for countries that are westernised and known to be safe. However, it is more prudent to hire two or more bodyguards when your visits are with countries that are reputed to be at high-risk for crime and violence.


Locals or expats

Which is better: hiring bodyguards local to the country or place you’re visiting or hiring outside or expat agents? Let’s take a look:

  • Local bodyguards:
  • Collusion risk
  • Local experience and knowledge
  • Potential for misunderstanding or communication issues
  • May have limited capabilities and experience
  • May not meet the level of service you have in mind


  • Outside or expat bodyguards:
  • No collusion risk as being connected to local operators is highly unlikely
  • May have or not have local experience and knowledge
  • Not having the skills of using local language
  • Completely understand what services you require and expect
  • Blend seamlessly with travelling groups but may stand out from the locals
  • Being an expat may command a higher degree of cooperation and respect from local businesses and hotels



Level of Experience

Hiring a bodyguard with a military background does not mean getting the best. The best option is to look at the years of service as a bodyguard for top executives. If the potential bodyguard has police or military background, look further to see if they have trained as executive protectors.

Unfortunately, bodyguard services and companies is not a regulated industry. This means that hiring the best bodyguard is a challenging, but not impossible task.


Consider reputable companies only

Reputable bodyguard companies are your best option to get the best protector for your needs. Reputable means that the potential firm has been in the protection industry for a long time. Firms that are ISO certified offer the best option. Being ISO (International Standards Organization) certified means that the firm is strongly committed to transparent business practice and anti-bribery compliance.


Often, a limited budget is the thing that stops a person from getting the best protection. Yet, protection for life, limb, and property are things that should not be overlooked and ignored. Trust Exclusive Protection’s bodyguards.

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