Changing Your Name

Is changing my name legal in Australia?

Do you know of people who have successfully changed their names?  This is a common process in the western countries and other European countries, where there is divorce.  People, much more the ladies, don’t want o retain their spouse surnames after a divorce.  That is why they are among the many applicants of a change name.  And so far, application because of divorce, are the first ones to be approve.

The Process

Initially, you just have to lodge an application to the DBM and fill up every detail and submit all the necessary documents.  Right after, you will have to pay the required fees, depending on the application.  Change name application is more of a legal process, so it is best to hire a lawyer to help and access you in the preparation of your documents up to the submission of the application.

It is but, a long process, depending on the type of situation, but, hiring a lawyer, will save you time, effort and stress. If you failed, you may have to do it again. This is where accessing information on how to change your name will come in handy

Here are some good reasons why some people are doing it:

  1. To change identity after divorce. Many women don’t want to retain the surnames of their ex-husband after the divorce process.  They want to create a new identity, un-attach from their ex-husband.  This will allow them to continue with life and meet new friends and partner.
  2. Other reasons are the trans-genders, who want to create a new identity. They want to use a male or a female, opposite their original names.
  3. Next are those mothers who want to use the names of their new love ones, without marriage. They also sometimes want their children to use their new partner’s surname.
  4. While some will just change their names out of curiosity.

Changing a name is a legal process in other countries, such as Australia.  If you have money, you can always do that.  It has its advantages, but, it has also its downside.

  1. First, you totally are a new person, with new identity. And since, you are using your new name, it will be hard for your old friends and the people you have met before, to recognize you. Even if you re in the social media, your old acquaintances, will find it hard to recognize you.
  2. Second, it will take time for you to follow-up on old transactions, because in those documents, you were using different name. Not unless, you can come up with a court order.  But, you still have to undergo, with all the hassle.  You will need to update all information you have submitted to any agencies.
  3. Of course, the expenses that you incur, you should consider that too.

Can anybody apply for a change name?

Yes, everyone can apply for a change name. But, not everyone is successful.  Changing name is may be simple process for some people, but, the impact of this in people’s lives is huge. Should you decide to do the same, please think of it first.  Is it really, necessary and a priority?  What will the effect, this procedure, bring into my life? Anyway, it’s your life, it must be your call.

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